Accepting payment cards as a form of payment has a number of requirements intended to safeguard payment card information. Payment cards include credit cards, bank debit cards, check authorization cards, and pre-paid cards used for cash-less transactions.
Any ¶¶Òù, Inc. (UEI) department, on-campus vendor, project, fund raising activity or auxiliary that accepts payment cards will be required to follow Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance procedures.
Each year, the campus Information Security Office publishes the documents necessary for PCI compliance. As regulations change, so do the requirements to maintain our compliance rating for the campus.
As part of the PCI compliance process, UEI Information Technology requires the following:
- Annual Data Security training for UEI employees and completed data security confidentially document.
- PCI documents from on campus vendors/departments/projects which include a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and self assessment questionnaire (other documents may be necessary to complete compliance requirements).
As this process evolves, the requirements for specific procedures and documents will change. Please contact UEI Information Technology to confirm annual documentation requirements.