Who do I talk to about my Purchase Order Status?
Please contact Lani Nguyen, Senior Cash Management and Purchasing Assistant, by email or phone (916) 278-0034.
Please contact Lani Nguyen, Senior Cash Management and Purchasing Assistant, by email or phone (916) 278-0034.
You may download the form here. For additional assistance, please contact Dung Nguyen, Accounting Assistant, by email or  call us at (916) 278-8013.
Yes, Mari Owen (Business Services) is a certified Notary Public. She can be reached at (916) 278-0033, respectively to make an appointment. No credit cards are accepted for this service.
Checks can be picked up at the UEI Business Services offices, Suite 3700, on the 3rd Floor of the Bookstore Building during regular business hours.
You should be contacted by your respective project when the check is ready. If not, please contact the office at (916) 278-6672.
Please contact Cheryl Stone, Accounts Payable Supervisor, by email or phone (916) 278-7764.
Please contact the Business Services front office at (916) 278-6672 and you will be directed to the appropriate party.
Collection terms are NET30.
Form W-9 is required by the Internal Revenue Service for businesses to request taxpayer identification numbers from individuals involved with the business in certain reportable transactions such as qualifying consulting payments.